New Year’s Resolutions and Bible Reading Plans

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Want to do regular Bible reading in 2011? Some of my favorite Bible reading plans are put out by the Navigators, and can be downloaded free. Here are three Bible reading plans.


I suppose it’s a cultural thing, but, like 50% of other Americans, I’ve always liked making New Year’s resolutions. And like most people who make them, I am disappointed in those years when February 1 rolls around and I can’t even remember what those resolutions were. We like the idea of resolutions because we like new beginnings and we like to take control when so much of life seems beyond our control.

So, the earth has come back to the starting line in its orbit around the sun. We know we have to take choices in life seriously. What might your resolutions be? Surveys show that most Americans will resolve to lose weight, stop smoking, get out of debt, get organized–that kind of thing.

What I’m doing today is looking at an Old Testament verse that I have come back to hundreds of times over the years, Micah 6:8, and I wonder if there is anything better to do than to recommit to the three things this verse says the LORD requires of us.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.

And what does the LORD require of you?

[first] To act justly

[second] and to love mercy

[third] and to walk humbly with your God.

What great news it is that God has shown us what is good, so we are not left in the dark. Acting justly means doing things right the first time whenever possible. Loving mercy means taking pleasure in showing grace and forgiveness to others. Walking humbly means staying on pace with God–not lagging behind his direction, and not surging ahead.

Have any thoughts on what you might resolve this year? Take the survey.

2 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolutions and Bible Reading Plans”

  1. Wish you a wonderful New Year 2011, Thank you so much for the Bible reading plan and it is very helpful. I will look forward to receive more encouraging words and message fro you. God Bless you and your ministry.

    Thank you
    His Instrument
    Paul Dass

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