Why are we unsatisfied with our communication?

Over the years I’ve talked to many leaders about their experiences in the area of communication. I’ve asked, “What has worked for you?” Or, “What’s your solution to the issue of communication?” More often than not, leaders say that they are unsatisfied with their efforts or their results in communication. They often describe poor communication as one of their biggest problems.


So what does that tell us? That good communication is a very difficult thing to achieve? Or that people expect too much of communicators? Or that we keep making the same mistakes?

Before looking at communication solutions, it is important that we ask ourselves what we think communication is in the first place.

“Communication” is a great word describing a wonderful concept. The Latin communicare, means to impart, share, or make common. But share what? Impart what? Just information? Only how to purchase or participate in?

In faith communities like churches (notice the parallel right there between “communication” and “community”?) there is something important, something big we are aiming at sharing. Communication, in its highest form, is the shared life. More on that later. But for right now, what are your biggest struggles with communication in your work life, your community, or even your family?

1 thought on “Why are we unsatisfied with our communication?”

  1. Fret not…not even Jesus couldn’t and still can’t (even in this day and age) get everyone to listen to him or communicate with him. Is it then the listeners who have a problem with listening? Jesus doesn’t have any codependancy issues nor is he narsissistic! “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink”. How long though before he’ll finally decide to drink?

    Communicating for results is an art where when moving mountains is concerned. Outside of moving mountains initiating casual communication with complete strangers is terribly awkard for almost everyone around the globe. It’s like experiencing stage fright yet even the most experienced preformers have to deal with it. No one wants to appear inept and especially not dumb but where’s it cast in stone that we have to be fountains of abundant knowledge in order to even say hi to someone. I hope the know-it-all’s caught that last sentence too. LOL

    In a few months I’ll be 60 years old. I like it. I can say just about anything I need to say (without being insulting) or I’m merely engaged in idle prat.

    One more thought. Charles Swindol wrote a book about being encouragers. I recommend it! An encourager is not a shmoozor by any means…the former is genuinely concerned about others where the later is a shaddy manipulator concerned/obsessed with self interest.

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