Do You Look Like God?

[This post is in a weekly devotional series called Everything New. Sign up here if you’re interested.]

To understand how God wants to “make everything new” in the world and in our lives we have to go back to when humanity was new the first time. That is why we are so captivated by the Genesis account. It is why scientists do experiments and create tools that cost literally billions of dollars to peer back in time. To understand the first moments when the universe was born.

Humanity’s newness is described in the account of the creation of the man and the woman in the garden. And there is this one small statement that describes the essence of what it means to be human, what God intended in the first place. God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:26-27).

Do you feel like you look like God today?

That may seem like a ridiculous question, but it is a fair question. We were created “in God’s image.” For millennia believers have looked at that statement and pondered what it could mean. Some have thought God must have a physical appearance like ours: two legs, two arms, two eyes, etc. We look the way we do because that is the image of God. Most people dismiss that idea, for good reasons, but we should still realize how easy it is for us to imagine God as a bigger, better human being. A man with big muscles, silver hair, a strong beard, and a deep voice. But that would be to make God in our image.

Others have said that the authority given Adam and Eve to “have dominion over the earth” is how we are like God, or that our ability to have relationships is how we are like God. Still others have said that every way in which human beings are more than the animals must be what it means to be made in the image of God–because “image of God” is only used of human beings in Genesis. Following that line of thinking, we have moral awareness because God is moral, spiritual awareness because God is Spirit. We have the capacity for rational thought, because God has a mind. We can invent or create new things because God creates (although God creates out of nothing–something we will never do). We can act with intentionality and self-awareness because God is like that. The animals just don’t do those things. Their actions never rise higher than instinct and hunger.

In any of these interpretations of Genesis 1:26-27 the implication is clear: human beings were created by God to be something exceptional. More than animal. Less than God. And in that middle ground, vested with dignity and nobility that gives our lives purpose and meaning. So let’s ask the question again: do you feel like you look like God today? If not, that is because of Genesis 3, the fall of the human race into the undignified and ignoble status of sinners. But God has not given up on us. In Jesus Christ we see the perfect image of life, and the specific form of how God is making everything new–in us. (Much more on this in the weeks to come.)

[This post is in a weekly devotional series called Everything New. Sign up here if you’re interested.]

32 thoughts on “Do You Look Like God?”

  1. Each morning, I try to remember to thank God for this new day and to live out that day like Christ Jesus. I must admit that I never get to just like Christ but I’ll never stop trying and praying that I will one day be like Jesus!

  2. Regina Ceraolo



    When You and I get to Heaven, we are going to find that God has a body like we have and a Soul like we have and a Spirit like we have . God made us in His own Likeness and His own image. That is precisely the truth We will understand it all much better when we see Him face to face until that time, We accept the word of God as it is.Many people think that God is a ghost or floating cloud but God is like us. When we see God, we are going to see that He has the same wholeness and total man we have.

  4. I think that God tried to make us as good as him, but he discover later that man was born with malice.

  5. I loved it!!!! It’s always good to be reminded of who we are and should be. It’s so easy to get distracted by things of the world.

  6. Felix – hold that thought, because next week’s “Everything New” will start to look at how things went wrong in the human race. What is called “The Fall” in Genesis 3.

  7. I read somewhere that God is humble, I’ve forgotten the scriptures they based this concept on, but it made good sense to me because Christ’s whole being; His thoughts, His actions, the way He worked in His relationships with people, are all based on His one greatest trait, humility. He is the Son of God so, it stands to reason, that one greatest trait would also belong to the Father.

    I thought for a moment about the concept of God being humble. Suddenly, my struggle for humility became a very valid one, but more importantly, I suddenly understood God’s love for me (unconditional love can only come through the attitude of humility) and, suddenly, I felt the closeness of God in a very different way.

    Since then, I pray for help with my battle against pride and quest for humility knowing He understands my battle, knowing His love and His Word are always with me in my struggle. “I am His and He is mine,” Song of Solomon

  8. I read somewhere that God is humble, I’ve forgotten the scriptures they based this concept on, but it made good sense to me because Christ’s whole being; His thoughts, His actions, the way He worked in His relationships with people, were all based on His one greatest trait, humility. He is the Son of God so, it stands to reason, that one greatest trait would also belong to the Father.

    I thought for a moment about the concept of God being humble. Suddenly, my struggle for humility became a very valid one, but more importantly, I suddenly understood God’s love for me (unconditional love can only come through the attitude of humility) and, suddenly, I felt the closeness of God in a very different way.

    Since then, I pray for help with my battle against pride and quest for humility knowing He understands my battle, knowing His love and His Word are always with me in my struggle. “I am His and He is mine,” Song of Solomon

  9. debbie ramlogan

    I am always so impressed with your explanation on the Word of God. Thanks I am learning so much about God.

  10. God is love. I have long believed that means that we, made in His image, were made to love. We are so far from that image because of sin. The Holy Spirit works in those who believe in thier need for salvation, and, accepting the gift given through Christ’s blood, place their lives in his hands, to make them progressively more Christ like. More like the image of God, who is love.

  11. Shirley Rhodes

    The Bible let’s us know the begining of all things came from God, he created it all. He made man in his own image so I think that includes humans and if he created us in his image that means we have all the same makeup, not similiar but same. When you look around you see his handiwork and we are part of the entire process. I think that in order to see the full picture you must view it through spiritual eyes. If you’ve never known the true meaning of your existance how can you understand the picture God wants you to see and know. Yes I think we look like God, he made the point clear when he said in his image. when you compare images they look the same if they came from the same mold. He is the creator who designed everything down to the smallest detail, even us. We are his handiwork and prized possession made for his purpose. Thank you Father!

  12. i’m now in the process of transformation, in the hands of my Potter, to ‘look like God’…. and i trust HIM for sure, HE is gonna accomplish it very soon….

  13. Yes, I feel like God every moment of every day.
    How grieved I am at those who have no interest in God or His ways. Ugh! This is so painful. And then the very people God loves turns Him away AND speak all sorts of evil against me for just pointing out to them that God loves them; that they are on the wrong path to enjoy God’s love for an eternity.

  14. God is working in my life. I don’t just feel i’m like God, but i KNOW beyond doubt that i’m like God.
    Genesis 1:27

  15. God is love, patient, full of joy, humble, selfless, peaceful, kind, full of goodness, faithful to his promises, all wise, never sinning, kind to everyone. No I don’t look like God and it pains me. I am full of sin!! But one day in the resurrection, I will look like him.

  16. Teresa Cage-Massey

    The questioned asked, is “Do you look like God”? What a powerful questions that makes me stop and ponder. Each day I strive to read a scripture or two , pray for all who don’t know the Lord as their personal Savior, and love each person that crosses my path. (along with Thanksgiving for my family and friends) But the question makes me take inventory as to what else should I be doing to ensure I am living in a way that pleases God. Throughout this day, I will take inventory to see what more I can do to look more like God. I am going through a most difficult time now, with my husband in ICU for 47 days today, (6-1-11) it allows me to pray for so many people I meet with problems in the hospital, and still I am yet Thanking God for his goodness for my life. So, Thank You for the question as I re-evaluate myself. Teresa

    1. Teresa – we are sorry to hear that your husband has been in ICU for 47 days. Whatever the circumstances, this must be extremely difficult. Thank you for mentioning this so that others can pray for you.

  17. It is obvious that we cannot know everything that Scriptures is talking about when it says that we were made in the image of God (that is unless we claim personal revelation from God which I do not). But who would not say that we have not lost a lot of this image in the fall. I think everything around us shows that the world around us is not what it should be. We as humans are certainly not what we should be; I can say that without being judgmental because I am human.
    But while I miss the mark of perfection I am not without hope because Jesus taught of a new creation. The full reality of this new creation is not here yet but it will be. But while the full reality of this new creation is not here yet, there is some part of it already here. What I mean by that is that is when I accepted Jesus as my savior He created within me a new person. I can say out of faith that the future of this new person is secure because it does not depend on my ability or inability but rather on the life and death of Jesus. This new person is not totally manifest but if you look closely you may see some signs of it. And if I live long enough there may be more signs of it, I am working on it.

  18. With Jesus described by Peter as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world – I’m thinking all that we experience and recognize as time/space is a part of something much larger in God’s plan… The Redemptive Event is an aspect of God’s Nature and we are His display to a much larger Universe of living beings.

  19. To be created in God’s image is the most wonderful honour and privilege when we are so undeserving – what grace, what love. We have the perfect example to follow. It’s just not always possible to mirror His character when we live in this fallen world. We too get tempted by the enemy to turn away from holiness and righteousness to try and “fit in” with our peers, instead of standing out, offering them Jesus. The Apostle Paul decided he didn’t want to know anything except Christ and Him crucified. Oh that we would have that discipline to deny ourselves, take up our Cross daily and follow only Him.

  20. God is always creating something new in me, and must do so, because there is NOTHING good in me, nothing worthy, nothing righteous. So daily He is creating a new person, through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus!

  21. I. Love god with. All my life and you wll be like him and I invite. You. On sunday to praise god. And enjoy yourselfs

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  23. He is father , son , holy spirit.but yet he is one.who else is like that other than us.We are flesh , spirit , and soul but yet we are one.

    1. He is father , son , holy spirit.but yet he is one.who else is like that other than us.We are flesh , spirit , and soul but yet we are one. Like him

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