Here are some activities and resources being offered through Elmbrook Church here in Brookfield, Wisconsin in the weeks to come. Take a look and see what might be of interest to you. Many great resources!
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How to Build a Life-Changing Men’s Ministry Workshop
For pastors and lay leaders of men working in the local church. Join men’s ministry expert, Pastor Steve Sonderman for the practical ideas, encouragement and inspiration your team needs to jumpstart your ministry. The workshop is limited to 60-70 men.
No Regrets Study Series
New discipleship-training small group bible study for men. 8-book interactive series empowering men to become servant leaders at home, in church, on the job and out in their communities.
No Regrets Men’s Conference – February 4, 2012
Experience dynamic messages from keynote speaker, Dr. Tony Evans, powerful live worship, and real-life testimonies of God’s faithfulness at work in real men’s lives. With the new Host Site Program, you can bring this event right to the men of your church via live HD video stream.
Disability Forum – October 29, 2011
Elmbrook Church Disabilities Ministry is having a Forum for churches, agencies, caregivers, etc. designed to help in reaching those with disabilities with the Gospel. This is a one-day event that will take place on Saturday, October 29, 2011 at the Inspiration Retreat Center located on the grounds of Inspiration Ministries in Walworth, Wisconsin.
The Elmbrook Christian Study Center
The Elmbrook Christian Study Center is an extension site of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School offering biblical and theological studies for people in Southeastern Wisconsin. Fall classes begin August 29th.
Fall Leadership Training – September 6-25, 2011
This is a free three week training and equipping opportunity offered to all small group leaders. High caliber teachers teach two hour workshops on Leadership Development where leaders are exposed to sound biblical content with group discussions. Registration starts August 18th.
Contact Sylvia at
Celebrate Recovery
A 12-Step Program for those with hurts, habits and hang-ups will kick-off on Monday, September 26th from 6:30pm – 8:30pm with a complimentary Bar-B-Q followed by an informational meeting. The program begins on Monday, October 3rd and run from 6:30pm – 8:30pm.
Silverstrands-Faith Through Aging Eyes (A New Resource for Seniors)
Silverstrands is a collection of faith stories as seen through aging eyes, as well as Roselyn Staples thoughts and experiences caring for and working with seniors.
JBU is a Resource for Women In Leadership
Just Between Us (JBU) magazine inspires and supports women committed to ministry and growing their relationship with Christ. A great resource for women who share the same joys and struggles ministering to one another through the written word.
Elmbrook’s Annual Women’s Christmas Event – December 5, 2011
This high-energy event is a great place to bring non-Christian friends to hear the Gospel. This year’s speaker, Elizabeth Murphy, is a funny and genuine speaker who will not only inspire non-Christians but will challenge and refresh mature Christians.
Telling The Truth Leadership Resources
Telling The Truth website, in the online store, has a library of sermon outlines from Stuart, Jill and Pete Briscoe that can be downloaded. – they’re free. There are also hundreds of messages from Stuart, Jill and Pete that are also available and can be downloaded for free.
Sermon outlines:
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mbrook’s Annual Women’s Christmas Event – December 5, 2011
This high-energy event is a great place to bring non-Christian friends to hear the Gospel. This year’s speaker, Elizabeth Murphy, is a funny and genuine speaker who will not only inspire non-Christians but will challenge and refresh mature Christians.
Thanks for the heads up!! I will be tracking down some info for you (hopefully today) and posting additional details.