A God-Filled Life

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When I’m honest I admit that there are so many other competing desires, so many other internal voices, that this longing is easily compromised by my own self-centeredness and by the clamor of living in this world. I know I need ways every day to think about and follow patterns that will keep me in touch with this one unalterable reality: God “fills everything in every way” (Ephesians 1:23). And he is the only one who can. The opposite of a filled life is an empty life. Yet for everything that seems to offer a certain “fullness” of life—our work, our recreation, our relationships, our belongings, our adventures—there is only one who can really fill our lives, or fulfill our lives. Who can put in our hearts a deep and enduring sense of peace? Who can motivate us to truly love? Who can fill our minds with thoughts that will elevate us and make us wiser people? Who can guide our wills so that the decisions we make will be smart and respectable? Who can give us a sense of greatness and nobility in our lives? Who can fill us with strength when we’re in the middle of a struggle? Only God.

Download the E-booklet “Living a God-Filled Life” when you sign up for “The Brook Letter.” (Already subscribed to “The Brook Letter” and want “Living a God-Filled Life”? Send a request to info AT thebrooknetwork.org.)

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