What Great Idea Matters to You?

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.


Try this: close your eyes, and for the next thirty seconds do not think about a pink elephant. Remember, you are not to think of a pink elephant. Ready, set, go.

How far did you make it? And what does that tell you about the way the mind works?

One of the most powerful influences in our lives is invisible, sometimes very small, often hypothetical. We are talking about ideas. They fill our minds, they motivate our actions. They shape how we view reality and–very importantly–possible new realities. Ideas are sometimes mental impressions and other times full-bore convictions. When connected with creativity, ideas are a flow we call imagination–sometimes a trickle, other times a torrent. People get carried away with their imaginations, which is often the way the best new things happen.

Ideas are at the core of spiritual influence. They are powerful realities that move invisibly from one person to another. Ideas come in and go out. They get planted and grow. They change and develop. It is almost like they have a life of their own. Every leader should always be asking himself or herself: what are the very best ideas I can flow to others? Or ask this question: is there one big idea God has influenced me with that ought to be the big idea I pass on to others?

One of the most loving things God does for us is to shape our minds with his ideas. God influences us with a steady stream of pictures of reality and transcendent conceptions. God’s ideas include the truth about human nature–unique and glorious, broken and wounded, morally perceptive and morally corrupt. God-ideas include realities about who God is: his goodness, greatness, love, holiness. God streams ideas into our minds that are bigger than our minds. No wonder we talk about some things that are so big they “blow our minds.”

So, what great idea matters to you?

5 thoughts on “What Great Idea Matters to You?”

  1. A big idea that motivates me is the thought that Christ followers in the Boomer generation can have a great impact for the Kingdom by changing the way the culture thinks of retirement and intentionally getting active in efforts that will demonstrate Christ’s love and draw people into relationship with Him. Service, not leisure. Ministry, not marginalization. Re-positioning, not retirement. The largest age group to date, using their experience, time and resources to infuence people for Christ.

    1. Walt Whittington

      Well said Gary! Men and women of retirement age have more disposable time and money than any other age group. They have the capacity and capability to change the world. Unfortunately, they seem programmed to retire instead of serve. They feel entitled to be served, not serve. “Immeasureably more than we can imagine” will be accomplished when senior citizens decide to let the Spirit lead them to a life of service to those “outside” their memberships, to serve and invite those not in relationship with God. Travel, bridge, golf and other distractions that consume our retirement years can rob us of the opportunity to please our Father.

  2. Rosalía Moros de Borregales

    I think one of those great ideas God has put in my mind is what I am doing right now in my country, Venezuela. He has given me the courage and the inspiration to write every saturday an article , in one of the most important newspapers in my country, that speak to those that do not know the Word of God.
    Last december I launched a book call “Reflexiones para Venezuela” in which I write reflections about the important of family, about virtues, mistakes, experiences in life and reflections about God and His relationship with mankind.
    I have been called for different Tv shows and radio programs to talk about the book God inspired me, and I have seen how deep is the thirsty and hunger for God.
    The world is waiting for us to be light and salt.
    Love your article. Keep sending them to me please.
    God bless you!

    1. That’s fantastic, Rosalía. I hope more and more believers catch a vision for influencing others by writing their ideas and seeking different means of publishing them.

  3. Thank you Pastor Mel for an insightful article: I have an affinity towards ideas that hinge on human or social transformation that is why I find the mission of the church I currently serve under to be very engaging as an Idea…it states: turning ordinary people into fearless influencers of society….even if I would not be serving in this church I would one way or the other be serving that Idea of partnering with God to bring about social/human transformation

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