The Highest Priest

Day 9 of Knowing Him: An Easter Devotional (view all days)

How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance–now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant…. Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, and since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool. For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. (Hebrews 9:14-15; 10:11-14)

For centuries the Hebrew people watched their priests performing the rituals of the tabernacle and then the temple. The word priest means “one who stands,” and these were indeed people who stood before the people on behalf of God, helping the people bring their sacrifices in worship. The high priest did such special things as going into the most holy place of the temple and offering the most intimate prayers on behalf of the people.

With Jesus all that changed. He came and took the role of the highest priest, the one mediator between God and man (1 Tim.2:5). He came and told us that the lessons learned from the temple and the priests and the animal sacrifices–lessons about our sin and the terrible judgment pronounced on sin and the possibility of substitute sacrifices–had been learned, and that he had come to be the fulfillment

Jesus is the great high priest. He also is the sacrifice. He came to be “the mediator of a new covenant” (Heb. 9:15). He is the “ransom” (“redemption”).

But Jesus is quite different from all of the earlier high priests. “Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties,” but these sacrifices “can never take away sins.” What those priests did was to provide a picture of and a teaching about forgiveness. Jesus actually accomplished it. He was both God and man, and thus stood before us linking heaven and earth. His death was the ultimate sacrifice, and indeed the only sacrifice that truly mattered.

Risen from the dead, and returned to the Father, he now continues to be the link between God and man. He doesn’t “stand” anymore, now he sits at the throne of God.

Ponder This: What is the uppermost concern in your life today that you would like to be brought by the great high priest to the throne of God?

[This daily devotional will appear through Easter. You may receive via email.]

36 thoughts on “The Highest Priest”

  1. Mary Rose Mifsud

    I pray to Jesus The Most High Priest that he stands for us in front of God the Father and grant the whole world to be imersed in His love so that peace will reign in every corner of the Earth. I pray that the Sacred Blood of Christ washes away all our sins which are an outcry of justice in front of God who is ever loving and merciful.
    O Lord my God have mercy on us and on the whole world
    Thanks for hearing my prayer
    Mary Rose Mifsud from Malta

    1. Salvation is Life, and Eternal Life can only be found in Jesus Christ, the only One that can give Life to the Spiritually Dead, The wages of Sin is Death. So when we come to Jesus and agree with him that we have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, we ask him to come and Live in our Heart, and it is then we Receive Life, His, and the Forgiveness of Sins. What a God, what a Savior, you are a Forgiven Person, and you have all you need for Life and Godlyness, with His promise that I will never leave you nor forsake you…Now that’s Good News Amen .

  2. Both David and Jesus have found out the truth about the Blessed Mother, Mary. What great rage they both have against many in this world! Let them punish and tribulate only those who are responsible for these lies, rumors and sinful thoughts about Mary that never were true and never will be, and are not true now. Let not Jesus and David not tribulate the whole world in their rage against the world. “Let him who has never sinned throw the first stone.”

    1. What does this mean? How did Jesus need to find out anything about Mary since He is God and know all? Who has sinful thoughts about Mary?

  3. The love of God is incredible. To ponder the sacrifice that Jesus did for me, and the whole world is mind blowing. I am so thankful that He is my High Priest and that He sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for me gives me great hope that I can live my life honoring Him by my obedience to His word Because the Word lives in me. Thank you fore this article.

  4. Father God, Lord Jesus, please develop in me a spirit of selfless love and grace that will engulf and eclipse all of my desires rooted in the human condition.

  5. That my life be worthy of the sacrifices made by Jesus on my behalf. He died for me and suffered so that I do not have to. May I always know He is with me and there for me!

  6. I pray that the holyspirit may lead me, and continue to give me the wisdom and the knowledge that I need. I also pray to become more obidence in christ.

  7. My biggest consern today is and I bring it to you Dear Lord, Is May I lay my sins of anger,frustration , greed ,jelousy, and te fear of losing you to evil

  8. Lord ,Thank you for watching over my family..I bring us to you today Lord that you will give us all a mind filled with only you,Lord that we just have in our minds to worship only you..I pray and ask this putting my sins before you first of greed, laziness and excuses and empty prayers ..I ask your forgivness and strengh and wisdom to correct this so that I may be useful to you only..That I my set the example.. I am thankful that you do not wash your hands of us or spit me out of your mouth..Lord let me be on fire for you and only you…My worst fear is just that, you giving up on us..
    In Jesus name I pray Amen

    1. Jesus promised never to leave you nor forsake you. He lives in your Heart, and you are a forgiven Person, believe it say thank you Lord Jesus, and be Happy. Your Forgiveness cost Jesus His Life.

  9. I am a fairly new Christian and my concern is to learn to study the bible. Understanding the scriputures and knowing were to look or what books I should have to give me answers.

    1. The Holy Spirit is your Counselor, approach Scripture with a mind set that Lord I can read what it says, But only the Holy Spirit can reveal what it means. Teach me Lord Jesus what it means in context. Scripture says no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who Love him, But it must be Reveiled to them by the Holy Spirit, In his Word, then and then only you can know that you are taught by God.

  10. Please Lord put a hedge of protection around myself, my marriage, my children , our home and our work so that we may not be led astray by Satan’s schemes but forever dwell in your loving and forgiving presence.

    1. He who has the Son has Life, He who does not have the Son does not Have Eternal Life. Jesus said these things that you may know that you have Eternal Life, not temporal Life. 1 Cor 15, Paul said this is the Gospel that saves, Believing in The Death, Buriel, and Reserection of Jesus Christ for your only Hope of Salvation. All about Him and nothing you could possibly do to earn that Gift from God.

  11. Father, I thank you for reconciling me back to you. What a love you have for me. Words fail me, and are not adequate to express my gratitude. I thank you Father for Joy and Peace, prosperity, and health. I pray for my sons that they would be men of integrity. Men who love you and are not ashamed of this glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Bless the work of their hands and the fruit of their lips. Cover us all , I pray, in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Prosper my marriage. Let our lives be a testament to the reward of serving you. Forever yours.

  12. I am bless Father for this great price that was paid bei Jesus Christ our Lord for me and all people irrespective of thier color and place of origin, that we have free access to God Almighty, to worship and felowship with Him. Halelujah.

  13. My uppermost concern, dear Lord, is the salvation of the lost. I have close friends that I feel I cannot reach. Lead me to be a good example through my actions, give me the words to speak, and please draw them close to you, God. I know you love each and everyone of us and I am so thankful for that. I just want everyone to know how awesome you are and how wonderful it is to be loved by you!

    1. Mary, Rest by Faith in the Fact, that it is God’s Job to save us. We Pray for them, Present the Gospel Message to them, that Salvation is Life in Christ Jesus. and in that Reserected Life we have Redemption, the restoration of Life, because we came into this world, Spiritually Dead, going back to Adam and Eve. And in that Redemption is when we receive what Killed us, the Wages of Sin is Death, we receive His Forgiveness, which is only found in His Life, Hope this helps.

  14. I pray that love can be shared between Him and families and friends and brothers and sisters and that somehow I would be blessed enough to be called to help share and spread this love and His word. For this I pray daily.

  15. I’m concerned at my complacency sometimes. I get very comfortable and too content in my Christian life, happy that my children and I are saved, although my husband isn’t…..yet. My prayer life sometimes suffers as well, instead of constantly asking for that unquenchable fire to burn within for the lost and for all the other extremely important issues that threaten the very stability of this world. God forgive me for not seeking you always with my whole heart to hear what you would say. Give me spiritual ears and eyes and a heart that is truly connected to yours, soft and open to your every word.

  16. I just believe in Jesus Christ and His Teachings Father God, Your Son Sweet Precious Jesus. And I want to perform healings in His name and be closer to the Godly Realm in His Holy Name and to live my life blameless and full of God and God alone, in Jesus.

  17. I just thank God for his darling son Jesus who sacrificed his life for our sins, and about the way the world is so corrupted now, even law makers having trouble trying to get things straight that helped to mess it up, only God can fix this mess up or a God sent man like President Obama

  18. I am so grateful, I read this wonderful message from the very mouth of God and I ask myself “how can I begin to absorb this wonderful truth into my life?” I believe this has been done, yet at times I take the words spoken as just words and unable to have this soak into my spirit. I do know that this is the Holy Spirits work, I want so much to know that I know that I know, and recall this truth like it’s second nature to me inorder to honor the God of my salvation and to love the cross, to realize in the deepest part of my very being that “He did this for me because of His love. What a glorious mystery. Thank-you Father.

  19. That God would wake up America. They are blind and do not see that they have forsaken their heritage and have now allowed themselves to be led by liars.

  20. To bring to the Lord those worse than heathen who seem to think that it should be O.K. for sin to be in Heaven. I want them out of my life, as well as keeping them out of Heaven. These are the same that Jesus or David or both threw out of Heaven once before and now they are still trying to get this behavior accepted into Heaven by running conspriracies against those who they think Jesus will listen to, including me. There is just no way that any of us are going to make such a request for if such sin would be allowed in Heaven, the same problems that particular sin causes on Earth will also now occur in Heaven.

  21. Father, forgive me for selfish prayers. I pray for the nations, that love and Shalom peace will engulf the hearts of all who are Yours. I pray that Every need of every child of God is met. Give me a heart that loves like You love, that I may show compassion to those in need. I thank You that Your word never returns void, and as Your word goes forth, revival is breaking forth throughout the earth. Let thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven~

  22. My formost Prayer before the Throne of God is that the understanding of The New Covenant be taught in all Churches today, and if it was we wouldn’t have over 39.000 denomonations in the world today. I understand the New Covenant like the back of my hand, and I grieve because it is not being taught. And it is because of pride I believe, that Man thinks that He has to have something to do with the Power of His Salvation, and it is a Lie! Jesus did it all he did not find it necessary to consult us with Creation, Nor Salvation. He left us out of the New Covenant Because he Loved us. The Old Covenant showed us our failures, and His Patience. He knew he could not trust man, because he knew what was in the Heart of man. And that is why in the new Covenant we Man are Out of the Equation…Praise God, because Every time this Flesh gets involved we blow it, Rejoice it is Finished, from the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Threw the Lips of our Savior Jesus Christ…Amen

  23. You know my heart Father. You know that I am burdened by the fact the my husband isn’t convicted to tithe on any extra blessings that come to us. I am heartsick but I am trusting You to convict him. Not me. It is not my job. My job is to lift this up to you and hand it over. I give it to you Lord and I refuse to carry the anguish of it anymore. You are in charge of him and only you can change his heart. Thank you that you are big enough!!!!!

  24. I have so many needs at this current time. I woke up early today thinking of all the ways I could “fix” my problems but instead I got out of bed and said to myself, “I’m thinking about this all wrong. I am trying to fix my problems instead of trusting them to GOD”. I then got out of bed and began praying to God for help and for help to TRUST HIM. Then I read the question and I am greatly encouraged that everything will be OK.

  25. My most important concern is that the Lord would cleanse me of my evil and angry mouth so that I would not sin against Him in my anger. I love Him with all my heart, soul, mind and body and want nothing to stand between me and Him. I want to see Him in all those around me so that I might love others as He loves me. Thank you Jesus!

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