Draw Closer to Christ This Easter Season

Given the uncertainty of our times, it is crucial that we have a full and deep connection with Jesus Christ. People are wondering…

  • What does being a follower of Jesus mean today?
  • How can I find an inner peace when there is so much noise in the world?
  • Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
  • Can I feel safe because of the power of God?
  • Our culture is changing so much, what does stay the same?
  • How exactly does Jesus make forgiveness possible in my life?
  • What does the cross of Jesus mean for real life today?
  • Did Jesus really rise from the dead? And what difference does it make?

The apostle Paul said: “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead” (Philippians 3:10-11). Great things happen when multitudes of people want to know Christ in that way!

Knowing Him is a set of daily readings in a paperback book or Kindle ebook for the three weeks leading up to Easter. Day 1 is Sunday, March 27, and the last day is Sunday, April 16. (Pastors and church leaders… consider sharing this with your congregation for a unifying spiritual growth experience.)

This three-week devotional includes mediations on the last week of Jesus’ life on earth, reflections on the meaning of salvation, forgiveness, reconciliation, and more, and special readings about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. There is always more for us to learn and understand about the crucified and risen Jesus! He is our only real hope.

NOTE: For a limited time Amazon has Knowing Him at under $10. Today is the best day to order your copy HERE.




2 thoughts on “Draw Closer to Christ This Easter Season”

  1. Nick, this is fantastic news and absutolely deserved. You are a fine writer and in the fairly short time I’ve been reading your work I’ve seen you grow in strength and depth.You already know my feelings about the work but I will be commenting on DC’s because I want to add my voice to the general acclaim.It’s a real delight to discover writing of this power and quality in a young author, makes my old heart proud :-)LoveMalcolm

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Using KNOWING HIM for your church

The Brook Network is an exchange of ideas and growing set of relationships aimed at helping Christians find God’s wisdom to be people of influence in our needy world. Sponsored by Elmbrook Church, the Brook Network offers events and group experiences, learning opportunities, audio and print resources, and a blog where you can engage with the issues of the day.


The time leading up to Easter is a great opportunity for extra spiritual growth for your congregation or group. Knowing Him is a set of 22 readings which may be used in the three weeks leading up to and including Easter Sunday (March 6 through March 27). Or the readings may be used for the week leading up to Easter. (Description below.)

(Note: many pastors say that an all-church devotional experience is one of the best and easiest ways to unite a congregation.)

PLAN A – Simple devotional reading.

Email your congregation a notice by mid-February inviting them to acquire their personal copy of Knowing Him: Devotional Readings on the Cross and Resurrection and start reading on Sunday, March 6. (Use the graphic below in your communication.) Tell people to use this link when ordering: http://amzn.to/1zXllvM

PLAN B – Devotional reading plus sermons.

Do plan A, plus use sermons in March that further develop the idea of knowing Jesus Christ and the salvation he offers in the cross and resurrection. (Knowing Him includes mediations on the last week of Jesus’ life on earth, reflections on the meaning of salvation, forgiveness, reconciliation, and more, and special readings about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.)

PLAN C – Do either option above, plus acquire Knowing Him in bulk at a deep discount to distribute in church. (If needing 100 or more copies.) NOTE: time sensitive

Some churches acquire the devotional book at a 50% discount to distribute in church. (Common method: 1- place bulk order with us by Monday, February 8 in order to receive books in time for 2 Sundays of distribution; 2- distribute in church lobby or other location, suggesting $5 donation, which covers your cost.) If you wish to do this, contact us as soon as possible here so we can help you place your bulk order…

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’To inquire about bulk copies, tell us about your church. We will be in touch.’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

* * *



Given the uncertainty of our times, it is crucial that we have a full and deep connection with Jesus Christ. People are wondering…

  • What does being a follower of Jesus mean today?
  • Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
  • How can I find an inner peace when there is so much noise in the world?
  • Can I feel safe because of the power of God?
  • Our culture is changing so much, what does stay the same?
  • How exactly does Jesus make forgiveness possible in my life?
  • What does the cross of Jesus mean for real life today?
  • Did Jesus really rise from the dead? And what difference does it make?

The apostle Paul said: “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead” (Philippians 3:10-11). Great things happen when multitudes of people want to know Christ in that way!

Knowing Him is a set of daily readings in a paperback book or Kindle ebook for the three weeks leading up to Easter. Day 1 is Sunday, March 6, and the last day is Sunday, March 27.

This three-week devotional includes mediations on the last week of Jesus’ life on earth, reflections on the meaning of salvation, forgiveness, reconciliation, and more, and special readings about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. There is always more for us to learn and understand about the crucified and risen Jesus! He is our only real hope.




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