Mel Lawrenz serves as Teaching Pastor at Elmbrook Church and is the author of 19 books with InterVarsity Press, Zondervan, Baker, Jossey-Bass, and others.
5 thoughts on “Song of Mary: Magnify!”
A voluntary submission is the key to the spirit led life
Is there a gender assigned to that
Well you quipped that pastors have congregations that watch their pastors weight gain or loss
“we don’t have weight watchers but congregations”
However, with your circumstances you have become lean and mean
one of my dearest skeptics said this that he was a “dead Jew on a stick”
well then why did they build the cathedrals in Europe
A voluntary submission is the key to the spirit led life
Is there a gender assigned to that
Well you quipped that pastors have congregations that watch their pastors weight gain or loss
“we don’t have weight watchers but congregations”
However, with your circumstances you have become lean and mean
one of my dearest skeptics said this that he was a “dead Jew on a stick”
well then why did they build the cathedrals in Europe
to show the mystery of the Spirit led life
I dearly love my dearest skeptic
Gospel I see
Good sermon. Thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas Mr Lawrenz!!
I wish to say that your sermon was from the heart.
I believe that his spirit lives there
believe this that the spirit exists
rules the affairs of men
said this that in your heart I will rule
gospel i see
if i have offended please tell me how I am wrong
gospel is in a living heart i see
I must say your Sermon on Joy a fruit of the Spirit was quite inspirational
Your Sermon on Joy was quite refreshing for me as I look upon that world I see
things are grim
That Gem of a Christmas greeting from that Palestinian Church was such a blessing
I saw Joy in the heart of suffering
as I saw my heart uplifted
by the season
said this where two or more gather
there I will be
Gospel I see