Mel Lawrenz

Mel Lawrenz serves as Teaching Pastor at Elmbrook Church and is the author of 19 books with InterVarsity Press, Zondervan, Baker, Jossey-Bass, and others.

What is a “movement”?

Leaders can aim at building institutions or building movements. Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, says: “a movement is marked by an attractive, clear, unifying vision for the future together with a strong set of values or beliefs.” He goes on to identify four characteristics of a true movement. “First, the vision

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Why would someone want to be a neo-pagan?

Christian apologetics requires us to not only understand other religions and spiritualities, but to understand their attraction. So what about neo-paganism in all its various forms? (There are about 300,000 people in the U.S. and about a million worldwide who describe themselves as “Pagans,” “Wiccans,” or “Druids,” although there are other groups that generally ascribe

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Five Kinds of Deep Preaching

Scott Chapman has an interesting article on the question of what people really want when they ask for “deeper preaching.” The answer may be more complex than what one would guess. He breaks it down to five issues: biblical depth, intellectual depth, experiential depth, cultural depth, and applicational depth. [READ]

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Wisdom the craftsman

I’ve been working this week on one of my favorite passages from the Old Testament, Proverbs 8. In this book of wisdom, a voice is given to wisdom itself. A voice that summons us to lives of discernment, prudence, humility, but also prosperity and power. Wisdom is the repudiation of the ugliest side of our

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