
*** NEWS *** Dr. Scot McKnight will be joining us for the Q & A (via live video) next Thursday night, April 14 on “What Difference Do the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Make?”…

Join Mel Lawrenz and other special guests for these special presentations leading up to Easter, where we’ll dive into relevant topics. Each session will include a time of Q & A. These events are free and open to the public.

Monday, April 4 | 7:00-8:30 pm Elmbrook Church Chapel

Thursday, April 14 | 7:00-8:30 pm, Elmbrook Church Chapel


A word from Mel…

Hello, friends. I’m really enthused about the opportunity to delve into two very important topics. If we’re going to find answers to the most challenging questions today, we are going to have to pursue the answers–they won’t just fall in our laps. That’s why we’re calling this series PURSUIT: Seeking God’s Wisdom for Today’s Questions.

A few years ago when my daughter was in college I asked her what were the most pressing spiritual questions and issues in the circles she moved in. I’ll never forget her answer. Without hesitation, she said, “That’s easy. The biggest question among my friends is: if Christianity is true, does that mean that all other religions and philosophies in the world are wrong? And does that mean that Christians are closed-minded or even mean-spirited toward so many other people in the world?”

It is certainly a familiar question for which we need a good answer. So the first topic in this PURSUIT series is this: “How Many Ways Are There to God?” I’ll be getting into issues like the different religions of the world, whether Christianity is truly exclusive or not, and how believers can give responses that have both truth and grace in them.

Responding to the pressing questions the wider world has about faith is sometimes called apologetics–which means the defense of the faith. We’ll take 90 minutes on April 4 to dig into this issue, and then on April 14 onto the issue of what difference the death and resurrection of Jesus make today.

I hope you’ll consider coming. If you have a faith-seeking friend, consider bringing him or her along.


Mel Lawrenz

P.S. If you don’t get our weekly emails called The Brook Letter, we’d love to have you sign up.

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