Real Life
Real Life
July 2 Independence Day?
According to John Adams, July 2 marked the birth of a brand new nation, the United States of America. Two days later, July 4, the Declaration of Independence was signed, but on July 2 the Congress had voted to approve the independence of the thirteen colonies from Britain. Writing to his beloved wife, Abigail, John
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The Plight of Christians in Iraq
Today thousands of Christians are fleeing for their lives as one of the most radical terrorist groups the world has ever seen sweeps across the country of Iraq.
It has been called “a targeted religious cleansing of Christians.” The remaining 3,000 Christians in Iraq’s second largest city, Mosul (ancient Ninevah) appear to have fled for their lives.
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International Center Open Forum
Elmbrook Church is pleased to host 18 Christian leaders from 12 different countries for the 2013 session of the Elmbrook International Center.
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What is the Spiritual Meaning of 9/11?
[originally posted Sept. 2011] I find this week’s cover of Newsweek magazine for the 10-year anniversary of 9/11chilling. It is simply a brilliant blue sky and in the upper right corner the underside of a jetliner frozen in a moment of time before calamity. People are starting to tell their 9/11 stories to each other
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So Wrong: Words on Today’s Tragedy
As I sit in an airport watching on television the unfolding horrific story of the shooting at the school in Connecticut, I overheard an airport worker say to someone else: all those children, all those families–and now, at Christmas time. Immediately what came to my mind was one of the most troubling Scripture verses associated
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What the Bible Says About Storms
Big storms are ominous. They arrest our attention. They remind us how small and powerless we are. In the Bible the storm is a symbol of many different things
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A Reluctant Hero
Imagine you could go to any expensive restaurant any day and the owner would insist that you didn’t have to pay. Imagine you could pick any new car on any lot and it would be given to you. Imagine you could decide in a day to run for the U.S. Senate, and you were guaranteed
Violence, Scripture, and the Sikh Temple
A chill went up my spine when I got home from church on Sunday and heard about the shooting at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, just miles from where I live. I was stunned because the shooting was taking place at the very time I was preaching at Elmbrook Church on Psalm 46:9:
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That Subversive Book
Jiang Yuchun was a boy the first time he attended a Christian gathering in a home in Anhui Province, China. He and his father walked fifteen miles under cover of darkness because any kind of Christian gathering during the Cultural Revolution of 1966 to 1976 was an act of subversion according to government policy.
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Sunday Morning Bombing in Jos, Nigeria
I just received this email from friends about a bombing of a church in Jos, Nigeria just this morning. Nigeria remains a hot spot of religious conflict today. CNN is reporting multiple casualties in the suicide bombing. Here is the email: Once again, today’s was a Sunday blast, this time at a church compound where
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Lessons from Argentina
The definition of what we are trying to do with this network we’re calling “The Brook Network” is “sharing ideas, pursuing wisdom.” There are so many great ideas in the world today regarding Christian life and Christian leadership. And, more than that, there is wisdom from God available to us–if we care to seek it.
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Bumper Sticker Wisdom
Not a good idea to pursue wisdom via bumper stickers. But then again, if you just need to smile today… (thanks to Michael Duduit). 1. Save the whales. Collect the whole set. 2. A day without sunshine is like night. 3. 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot. 4. Half the
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Egyptian Christians at the Crossroads
Christianity Today has several pieces helpful in understanding what is unfolding for Christians at this historic turning point. Egypt’s Christians After Mubarak (They were protesting a church attack when the Tahrir Square demonstrations began. Political change likely won’t undo deep tensions with Muslims.) Egyptian Christians Reflect on Moment in History (Born and baptized in blood, the
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Ten Things Good Winners Do
I remember the speeches of my coaches who told us how to react to losing a game to an opposing team. An honorable person knows how not to be “a sore loser.” But the spectacular victory of the Green Bay Packers in the Super Bowl yesterday raises the important question: what does it mean to
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