Image is Everything

[This post is in a weekly devotional series called Everything New. Sign up here if you’re interested.]

In the beginning God created all things, and that tells us about his character. The world is a place of beauty, complexity and order, because that is what God is like. But it is when the Genesis account gets to telling us about the creation of humanity that we get the real clue about the meaning of our lives, and the assurance that what God began he will keep going. Even if it means he has to repair and renew.

Here is the great clue of life: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:26-27).

No matter who you are, no matter your age, no matter where you live, this is true: you were made in the image of God. No matter whether rich or poor, healthy or ill, successful or failing in the eyes of the world, this cannot be denied and it cannot be reversed: you were made in the image of God. That’s our template, our purpose, and the only worthwhile pattern of life. But what does it mean?

At a basic level it means this: you are less than God (because you were created by God), and you are more than the animals (because the Genesis account said God did a different thing when he created the man and the woman). Having this perspective on life solves so many of our problems. You probably know people who think they are god. No one is going to tell them what to do. There is no higher authority. They steer their own ship. The problem is that the position of God has already been taken. And even the best of human beings make very poor substitutes for God.

You probably know people who don’t believe they are any more than animals. They live just by following their appetites and primitive instincts. Or they believe that any educated and enlightened person must give up any naive notions of special human dignity. We are animals–so we should just accept that, they believe. What is ironic about this is that the goal of humanism is to dignify human life. But to remove God from the equation is to relinquish our dignity. Humanism that denies God is a pit.

Next time we’ll look at the question: but “like God” in what sense? In the meantime, consider this: what do we need to do to make sure we are not trying to be God, but we are living at a level higher than the animals?

What do you think?

[This post is in a weekly devotional series called Everything New. Sign up here if you’re interested.]

35 thoughts on “Image is Everything”

  1. Donald L Thompson

    I know that GOD made me diffident than any creature or HIMSELF. I must depend on HIM in all
    ways to direct me for when I don’t I get into trouble.

  2. I think as we were created with God’s image we must live like sons of God worshiping in faith and truth trusting in him and forsaking all kinds of sins

  3. This was great this morning to read.

    We were all fearfully wonderfully made, by our creator. God has started a good work in me and he will continue.

    Like one of my good friends has said for years and now has been popularized, “It is what it is”, and I now know that “I am what I am”, not as I see myself, steeped in sin, but righteous and holy cleaned by the blood of the lamb. Oh, what Amazing Grace!

    May the peace that passes all understanding guard your hearts and continue to bless you all of your days.

    In Jesus’ Name I pray you continue to impact the world and spread the Truth, the Truth that has the power the break man free from the bondage of sin.

    Your brother in Christ, Michael

  4. Daily reading and study of the Bible. Seeking God’s guidance in all things. Worship and Praise. Following his ideas and not our own.

  5. I am in far-away Argentina, friends, but am appreciating the comments from afar. The church in Argentina sends greetings!

  6. Shara Sagraves

    God is the head of all creation as it says in Genesis. Simply and wonderfully said. That alone should tell us that we are not our own god, spite what others made think.

  7. I believe we need to Love Him first and then Love all humanity the way He loves us all. I believe we need to love animals but not play god with them either. When animals are put above respect for humans that is not so good. We need to Listen to Him and follow His plan for us which is to Love. We don’t have to play God to do that.

  8. This brings to mind a simple message I give to people I pray for:
    “I am not GOD, I am HIS child. GOD allows different results from the same depth of earnest, believing prayer – WHY? I don’t know. I’m not supposed to know. I’m not responsible for the ONE who does know. I am not GOD, I am HIS child.”
    What a relief – no pressure, no pretense, no complications. I am HIS child – I am not GOD. Isn’t it wonderful to believe, communicate, obey and yet HE is in control.
    Amen and Amen!

  9. Animals live to survive and reproduce.
    Humanity lives to not only do the above but to grow spiritually closer to God as they understand Him during the course of their lives.

  10. I think it is good to remind ourselves who God is, and who we are as his children. For me there is no greater way to find my perspective than to take a cruise and sit out in the middle of the gulf where there is nothing but water and God’s hand painted sky, or to sit in Jackson’s Hole in the Grand Teton’s where the mountains seem to be alive and singing, or looking at the vast desert surrounding Sedona—that wasteland that is so full of life. Our God created such beauty and crowned off his creation with unique individuals. We are just a tad below the angels—who are also created beings. No mere mortal can usurp God even if some believe they can. We are God’s people. He will never allow himself to be nominal or a name only God to his own children. We are free to reject him, but we are not free to rule even our own lives—God is in control.

  11. We need to use the unique attributes that God gave to humans. These include the ability to worship, to love, to choose, to be creative, to imagine. We need to use our self awareness to see ourselves in relation to God.

    We need to use these attributes in accordance with God’s perfect will, not to serve our own shortsighted purposes. We need to fulfill the role for which we were created- to love God with all of our being and to love others as we love ourselves.

  12. Thanks sir, for letting me know that, not all human being are animal expect does who behaves like it. I once read or hard it that human being image to GOD is our heart, soul, mind, and how ll think. cause some human image are male, female, leprosy, handicap,cripple, etc. Anyway sir, am looking forward to read your next week article. GOD blessing contiues

  13. I think that in order to be higher than animals, but not try to be God is to bring all things under subjection to Him and His word. Do my actions line up with His word and what He says about me? Does my identity and value come from my works, or is my identity and value in Christ? To not think more highly of myself than I should, but to humble myself before God and ask Him where I should go, and what I should do. We are different from animals because we were created to have relationship with God. We are created for His purpose.

  14. George Flippen

    The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathe into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. We were like seeds planted in the earth, being nurtured, and slowly growing to maturity. Just like the wheat growing up with the tares, if not nurtured and pruned properly the tares will overcome the wheat, but at the same time when the wheat is properly nurtured and pruned it will become fully developed and ready for the harvest. Unfortunately, we all will not reach that realm of life because of major and minor defects in our lives.

    The way I see it we have two choices in life, God’s way, or the devil’s way. The mustard seed is the smallest of all seed. If we would have as much faith as a mustard seed, I believe we coukd move mountains of faith. God is: whatever you want and whatever you need. That’s why he is an awesome God. God is: Omnipotent (all powerful), Oniscent (all knowing), Omnipresnce (everywhere).

  15. Margaret Dunne

    Simply open our hearts and minds to God and listen! Because in doing so we acknowledge God as our Saviour and only way and we are using the gift that God bestowed on man and not on animals!

  16. i can hardly wait until the image of GOD is completed in my being.i want nothing but to be in the image of my FATHER.

  17. the only thing i can think of to say on this is in all our ways we just have to acknowledge Him and He will direct our path as the scripture says and in doing that we can’t go wrong

  18. We/I need to Love my neighbours as myself- Seek the Lord with all my heart and soul- See every day as a new day and Boldly rejoice and Be glad That we/Iam, Are His Children..He Loves me too!!
    I am a Child of God and Fear does not come from Him..Keep practicing Christiananity..
    I do not spell very well

  19. We need to recognise that God is our Creator and submit to Him. This is an act of our will
    Hebrews 11; 6 a, tells us; ‘He that whoever would draw near to God must believe he exists.
    As to animals, they do not have a soul unlike humans, who are, body, soul and spirit.
    Man was created in the image of God, ie, God’s moral likeness and will live forever, either in heaven or hell

  20. How great and merciful our God is. May our unsaved friends and family by the strength and grace of Christ in us, be taught and learned the Word , before He returns.

    May the love of Christ be with all the World.

  21. Don’t be quick to judge people, but with love and patience consider all sides of a situation. Put yourself in their shoes. But for the grace of God, their go I.

  22. “like God”
    1. in love – caring for the lower ones,
    2. in free will – to stand for righteousness,
    3. Be holy as HE is Holy

    Casting all our cares on HIM.. trusting, HE, the Creator of all complexities is in control of everything….

    Lean on ,trust in and be confident in the Lord with all our heart and mind, do not rely on our own understanding or insight. In all our ways know, recognise and acknowledge HIM and HE will direct and make straight and plain our paths. ( Proverbs 3: 5-7)

  23. Key to balanced thinking and living: embrace the simple/complex truth that I am a sinner, saved by grace. Therefore, I am less than God yet, more than animal.

  24. Not trying to be God, yet remain higher than the animals:
    In nay trying to be God one must realize that they can be successfully tempted by the Devil and His Demons. Therefore one must always 24/7 be in tune to the Word of God, slamming the evil temptations with the Word. God, Himself, in being perfect cannay be tempted by the Devil or by man. To say or believe that one is as God or actually is God, is stating or believing that they cannay be tempted either. This is nay good. One should be as God, yet know they are nay God–This is accomplished simply by having the emotions of loves for the righteousness that God also loves. More simply put, it is only having an emotional state, as one with God, in regards to and only in regards to, the behaviors that define LOVE as God defines love, nay as the world defines love.
    In remaining higher than the animals one must realize that we, having been made in the image of God, have a spirit given to us by God. This spirit wars with the flesh whenever the flesh commits sin. Hence the guilt and fear and worry with these emotions nay conducive to a peaceful and joyful interior. Nay a peaceful place to be. Unlike the animal, who has nay guilt for its behavior, unless domesticated. And are without joy and peace. Furthermore, animal meat of many types does taste good to people as well as other animals, unlike human meat. Humans, therefore, were not made to be food for the other creations, which also separates us out from the animal population. Usually, people do not hunt other people for food as other animals do. This would sure be weird!
    Furthermore, in the beginning God breathed life into Adam, thus giving Adam a spirit. However, in the animal kingdom God said. . . and it was so. And God did not breathe into these creatures the breathe of life. Adam was made out of clay, not spoken into existence. And Eve was formed out of the rib of Adam, which origin is clay, and also breathed into existence giving her a spirit. God has also left us with a Bible of His Word, which no animal has. Also each species of animals has a different type of communication sound, but with people, we have all similar sounds, but with different interjections we have different languages, but can learn the other languages without to much difficulty. As animals all have vocal cords (except fish), with some type of tongue (except birds) to make noise. Yet can a horse learn to bark like a dog, can a cat learn to moo like a cow, can a bee learn to chirp like a bird?
    Man is made indeed, in the image of God. What makes our image as God’s image is actually our heart. For here is where the root of life is. The heart (emotions) is what God uses to judge us. Think you are walking on the pathe of righteousness–think again–for where is your heart? Is your heart with you on this walk? Does your heart actually love the walk of righteousness, or does your heart actually loathe the walk of righteousness? For where your heart is, there . . . .

  25. That was a good piece of Word, thank you, and keep sending them.
    Words of incouragement are always welcome on this adress, but they don’t just get left here they get used in the field. The word say’s ” There is alot of work and few workers”

    God bless, and thanks agian!

  26. We have to have Christlike humility. The temptation is always there for us to take credit for or get prideful about things we might accomplish. We must remember that God, the Ancient of Days, God from everlasting to everlasting, must be FIRST always. He’s the one who gave us EVERYTHING we needed to be His hands and feet on the Earth to bring people to Him . He threw the stars into the Heavens – our feeble little minds have no way of comprehending His ways and that’s the way it needs to be with us. We must constantly be in a state of awe and wonder about Him.

  27. We need to follow the leading of God moment-by-moment rather than allow our instincts to dominate our lives.

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