The Temple Tour

Day 13 of Knowing Him: An Easter Devotional (view all days)

Some of his disciples were remarking about how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and with gifts dedicated to God. But Jesus said, “As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.” (Luke 21:5-6)

The temple still loomed larger than anything else in the spiritual vision of Jesus’ followers. It was after all the embodiment of God’s promise and the symbol of his presence. It was the arena for the ritual and the exercise of the law. Enthused worshipers made their pilgrimages there to make their sacrifices and to admire the massive, beautiful stones that made up its walls. Jesus burst the bubble of the disciples’ admiration when he looked up at the impressive structure, this symbol of stability for the people and said, “this will all be torn down one day.”

It is true, of course, all monuments made with hands, all empires built by intellect and guts do eventually crumble. It is as certain as anything in history. The temple had been destroyed before and rebuilt. But now Jesus expands his disciples’ understanding by telling them of a cataclysm ahead that will tear families apart and bring war across the land. Bible interpreters vary in whether this is a prophesy about the destruction of Jerusalem at the hands of the Romans some forty years later, or a prophesy yet to be fulfilled, or both. In either case, Jesus’ principle is the same–don’t trust in what you can put your hands on. Our salvation, our redemption, is only to be found in God and his love. Indeed, Jesus said, when life seems to be falling apart around you, you should then “lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (vs. 28). He should know. He said that when the temple which was his body would be destroyed, it would be raised in three days, and it was. Any human can re-build stones, but only God can come back from death.

Ponder This: Are there any “temples” or sanctuaries in your life that you know could pass away, necessitating a new level of faith?

[This daily devotional will appear through Easter. You may receive via email.]

20 thoughts on “The Temple Tour”

  1. Donald L. Thompson

    The temple was destroyed and rebuilt but the body of Jesus was risen for all times and will return
    sometime soon. At that time Israel will either be taken over by other country or it will take over
    that region, I am not sure which but I am sure Christ will return to meet the Christians in the air,
    dead and still living. I do not know when that will happen but if I read the signs as given in the
    Bible, that we be soon SO WE MUST BE READY as it good be tomorrow.

  2. Sometimes we think of ourselves as our own temples. Wanting to please and beautify ourself. This was a temple of my own till last Feb. I prayed for God to make me what he may. A few months later my job was gone, 53 years old, never without a job, only had 2 jobs in my life, and all of a sudden I was without. I had always been able to provide a good home for my wife and family. God showed me over the next 10 months how prideful I was. The Temple that had to be torn down and re-built was within my on life.
    Thank you for your words.

  3. I live a modest life but of course there are things I see that I would like to have. Then I remember that my life is in God’s hands and these things are only material. Yes I could live this better and not want but I think that is only human nature. What is important is that I work to always remember what is really important. Abiding in Him and Him in me. I pray every day to see that first.

  4. This has been the message I needed this week. I have been feeling discourage becasue I wanted to do some remodeling in my house but my husband said it would not be possible this year. Then anger set in and envy for what others have. But what really matters is that God takes care of us and the material things don’t matter. God has given us a roof over our heads, food to nourish us, love for each other, and peace knowing that he takes care of us. The things we can’t see or touch are what matter.

  5. Rev. Arthur James Felton Sr.

    Sometimes I think we place to much hope in the things of this world. Our 401k, our Social Secutity,section 8 housing, our works, other people and the list goes on.There was a song we use to sing when I was a chid.
    “The Solid Rock”
    My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus blood and righteousness:
    I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholy lean on Jesus name.
    On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand All other ground is
    sinking sand,All othert ground is sinking sand.

  6. I agree with Rev. Arthur’s comment that sometimes we place too much emphasis on material things. This message is placing for me emphasis on an awkward journey I have been experiencing during this Lenten season. This journey is detrimental to my well being but somewhere along the way I got distracted and was placing the emphasis more on the material outcome than the outcome of my well being. Of course Satan was rearing his ugly head along and I realized only too late. Many times I cried out “My Lord, please don’t abandon me” Many times Matthew 27:45 was my mantra. This was the challenge that made me realize that there were human temples I had to pass away and recognizing this increasing my faith by more heavily leaning on that solid rock

  7. This is so true for me….who of this earth doesn’t get caught up in things of the world? But I am so thankful that my walk with Jesus brings me back to what is important. It’s not me, it’s Jesus!

  8. the temple i have is my self . many times i a tend to it so much other than what the spirit of GOD leads me to do. when you get to fast the stomach speaks out that it is hungry . when you get to devotion or quite time the thoughts speak out what a hell it is . this is enough i will only chase after what will last.

  9. A reminder for me that the Lord Jesus is my sunshine. Even when skies are gray, I pray that the light of His love will give me joy and courage to overcome all obstacles that may be trying to hide Him from me. Let my heart be the temple where only true love for others dwells.

  10. For 11 years I attended a Catholic Church for 11 years. Grew restless,frustrated. So I joined a Presbytern church and I’m a born again christian and enjoying the Gift immnensely.

  11. The holy spirit is working on me allowing to pray for the one’s who despitefully try and use me, and to use the past as a lesson not to go back but to go forward instead.

  12. My temple can sometimes be me relying on the things of this world to bring me whatever I feel I’m lacking at the time. Sometimes it’s trying to store up treasures on Earth & looking for the praises of man. I really struggle in that area sometimes. We too are thinking of renovating after 21 yrs in the same home, a daunting and expensive task, but I’m thinking – what a beautiful home I will have to show off to family and friends. I have to keep reminding myself that Jesus is my source in all things and He has never failed to provide. My soul faints – it is always warring with my spirit. I have to stay focussed that God’s Kingdom must advance, so I need to be willing to give away what He has so graciously given to me to help others. God help me.

  13. God is warning us not to be deceived by things of this world, because they are only temperarly. God salvation is ever lasting. Always make sure that everthing you do lines up with Gods word for your life. Don’t get caught off guard Be Watchful Always by Reading the word and prayer. Stay fix on God always.

  14. Keeping a focus on Jesus is a daily journey.. Thank you for teaching me that its more about others .. I was/am so focused on self that I loose sight of the whole picture..that God is in control and I must pick up my cross at the begining of each day.. And step out on the water ,,, to obey Him ,, Trusting Him.. Listening for Him,,Talking to Him…Putting on the armor//Its a daily journy..An Attitude..His will be done

  15. Yes of course. Human that I am I forget and place emphasis on material things and it does create a great sadness when they are removed from me. I am all about family and my home and recently I retired and we relocated and I am still struggling with being apart from my family. The sadness is great and constant and yet through bible studies I attend I realize the “need” for our path of life to be lived individually. And, that my forever home is in heaven and that we will all be together again there! I praise God for the many years we were all together and the warmth that has carried forward. He carries me and walks with me and encourages me to know my treasures are with Him in His home!

  16. Charlene A.Williams

    Yes, I too often struggle with material things feel I want, oppose to what I need. I know we al have to die and leave all of our worldly things behind. its all temporary and the legacy we leave behind lives on forever when we live as our saviour lives by thinking more of others and less of ourselves by ,Uplifting, loving, giving and forgiving others.These things we can trust because they’re from our hearts. Remember Jesus’ Principle .” don’t trust in what you can put your hands on” .

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