Ruling with God

HarvestfestGraphics_2Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Genesis 1:26

Every day there are some good stories in the news, but most of what we focus on—the auto accidents, the tornadoes, the wars, the shootings, the kidnappings, the thefts—are the face of a world out of control. We are buffeted by it.

Life is a challenge: growing and learning, working and resting, making friends, finding spouses, raising children. But we also have to struggle with injury and disease. We toil to grow crops. We form governments that often do not work well.

In every aspect of life we need order, but order does not happen on its own.

God created the world in an orderly way. Before there was sin and corruption and chaos, God ruled over the magnificent universe he created. He created humanity with the qualities and capabilities to rule with him. “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and allthe wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

This statement in Genesis does not mean that God turned humanity loose to exploit and ruin the earth. Rather, God created men and women with godlike qualities—conscience, rationality, morality, spirituality, freedom. He made mankind capable of watching over and caring for creation and civilization. God intended for women and men and children to have healthy relationships with each other. This is the kind of “ruling” Genesis 1 is all about.

Now the need is urgent. Every day. We need God’s strong hand to bring order to our relationships, our families, our communities. We need the tender and strong hand of the rule of order. We have many earthly “kingdoms,” but we need the kingdom—the benevolent ruling—of God. Amazingly, he calls us to be part of that ruling.

Mel Lawrenz

PONDER: What aspect of your life is most in need of order right now? How might you be used by God at this time in your life to help bring order into the lives of others?

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The Democratic Republic of Congo suffered for many years at the hand of colonial occupation and corrupt government officials. In an attempt to restore order, the Christian Bilingual University of Congo (UCBC) was founded in a war-torn region of the country in 2007. The mission of this university is to shape an authentic, redemptive community of Christ-followers that transforms communities and, ultimately, the country.

Achou Taibo bin Kitobi, the youngest son of Chief Kitobi Gregoire who sold the land where UCBC was built, is one of the first graduates, earning a degree in economics and financial management.

Achou says:

I am grateful for the training that I received from UCBC. It has prepared me holistically to face the challenges of life. I am able to study economic phenomena and analyze and suggest solutions to issues that are found in the community. I am also equipped to be entrepreneurial and launch personal initiatives. I have already been able to start the following activities: a pharmacy, a cafeteria, and a carpentry business.

At UCBC I was trained spiritually. My time at UCBC has changed my life from a son of chief, versed in animist and syncretistic practices, to a son of God who trusts God for all his personal life. It has been challenging to face the family and people with whom we work from a Christian perspective because our practices differ, but God has been faithful and he has fought for me many times.

Everywhere I go I feel compelled to live my Christianity. From the education at UCBC, I have also benefited from the community life that was fostered on campus. I respect everybody and promote collaboration and good relationships. We work in teams now, and I do my best to solve every problem justly and with honesty.

Jan Keddie

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We are the pinnacle of God’s creation. He began with light and added sky, stars, fish, birds and other living creatures. Then, after all of this, God made us. God wanted us to maintain order in the world he created. Unfortunately, we tried to rule alone, and our sin left Earth broken. But we have hope in the heavenly kingdom that is being built on Earth every day.

Read Genesis 1:1-27 as a family. Act out the different days of creation. What was the last thing God created? Why did God tell us to rule over the fish and birds and all creatures? Read Luke 16:10.

What are things God trusts you with today?

Krista Heinen



20 thoughts on “Ruling with God”

  1. I am filled with anticipation to see what we will all learn together during this 30-day exploration of the meaning of the kingdom of God. I see the headline of a major news organization this morning is “Is It Time to Panic?” in reference to a case of Ebola here in the United States. There are better alternatives than panicking!

    Thousands of people from dozens of countries are accessing “Kingdom Come.” I encourage you to leave a comment, SHARE on Facebook, tweet, or email others who will benefit from these daily readings.

  2. Sharon Howell Clarke

    It is true that we live in a world which we call “broken”. Yet each day we experience the miracle of God’s love and so we can and must live our lives, knowing that our Creator, God, can and does fix all brokeness, both in the world, and in our lives.

    1. This is like a reminder to get back to basics in keeping God’s world in order. Luke 16:10 encourages us that the little things we do for God and according to His will, matter. our actions big or small can make a difference to someone somewhere, and we may never know, but He does.

  3. I have always felt broken – from child to teen to adult – then when I gave birth to my first child I felt more broken as she was born with birth defects…she has lived with me from birth but through my brokenness God lead me to see that I am whole in Him and she was created by Him. He gave her to me to love through and with Him. She gives me challenges but with Him, we have been victorious…she gives me joy when she laughs and when she says, ” I love you Linla…” joy in my spirit and heart overflows with the type I know that surely comes from the Lord. I still feel broken, tired, and frustrated…but that comes from just being and life. He is my all…my strength, hope… I will gladly sit at His feet to wash His feet with thankful unstoppable tears… He is my testimony of survival through Him.

    1. Thanx for a good start to your series. As usual, you are the top level of spiritual input – u & ur staff are truly blessed! I look forward to ur future input.

    2. I feel for you. I have a brother who is mentally retarded from birth. However he has been a blessing in disguise – God apparently knows what He’s doing… I found out over time – the good with the bad/trying times – that “he’s not heavy – he’s my brother. Not exactly spiritual – it’s an old Hollies song… but does fall into being ‘my brothers keeper…
      I’m encouraged by hearing your fortitude & strength. Keep up the good work! And over the years I’ve found Elmbrook Church as a great blessing & resource.


    3. Remember, God is great and must consider you very special to loan you a special child to care for and bring up in the knowledge of His Kingdom. I am sure God has blessed you. I have a special needs child and there are days that are very challenging, then something she says or does makes me appreciate her even more. Life would be simpler without her, but I could never imagine not having her. She enjoys going to Sunday school as I teach and I am awed at what she remembers from the teachings. Remember Luke 16:10, look at what God trusted you with.

  4. I wanted to add that He placed order and right-sided vision in place for me in this world. Community of love and appreciation for one another is so much needed — there is a starving world not just for physical food but for heart-filled food. I loved this child through Him…our brokenness was made put in “proper order” to put Him first to make the relationship whole as He predestined.
    He knows the plans He has for us…

  5. If we look closely at what God is saying, “Let US make mankind in Our image, in Our likeness”, we see God introducing us the the Trinity from the begining, so we know we are never alone in our journey, presesnt, past and future.

  6. I am reminded that in this context “ruling” has the connotation of ‘caring for’ and ‘stewarding’, not exercising power plays or abusively ‘lording over’.

  7. I agree with Tom K. We are to care for all of God’s creation. Yesterday the area of my life that needed order was my office. While meeting with a client, I heard a rustling in the wall. The client asked me, “do you have critters?” After he left, I went downstairs and discovered a squirrel in the basement of my office. Initially I panicked, call my son, who referred me to the police; who told me if it was sick they could shoot it. Then I called pest management. When they had not called me back within two hours, I took the matter into my own hands. Panic aside, I bought a live trap and baited it with peanut butter. This morning I released a very happy squirrel in the park by the police station. This made my all female staff so happy and falls under the category of “girls can do anything!”

  8. It was a good reading. I really love doing devotionals. VS 26, however perked my interest. In NIV version God said, “Let us make Mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish…etc” Who is “our” and “Us”? Could it be that God meant Jesus and Himself as plural? And then in VS 27, God said that He created mankind in HIS OWN image. So… if anyone has possible answers to this question, I wouldn’t mind the wisdom! Blessings!

    1. Here is a comment on “let us make man in our image” from the English Standard Version Study Bible (a standard historic explanation):

      “Many Christians and some Jews have taken ‘us’ to be God speaking to himself, since God alone does the making in Gen. 1:27 (cf. 5:1); this would be the first hint of the Trinity in the Bible (cf. 1:2).”

    2. v 27 says “…God created man in his own image, male and female he created them…” There is something about marriage that is the image of God: Scripture instructs us to honor and fear your father and mother and honor and fear God, same terms; forsake all other gods and forsake all other men and women in marriage; the holiness of your spouse accrues to your understanding of Gods Holiness and jealousy; man and woman create sovereign life; children are comforted and nurtured… in the image of God, the Creator. Satan hates the image of God, evidenced by the destruction of the family. Man and woman can prayerfully establish a hedge around the family to ‘deliver us from evil’ and ‘resist the devil…’ Man and woman together ‘subdue’ the earth…

      Scripture says that Elohim, God, created; also Yahweh, LORD, created; and Adonai, Lord, Jesus created. The Spirit of wisdom (cf Is 11:2; Rev 3:1; 4:5; 5:6) speaks in the feminine voice in Proverbs 8, She participated with God in creation. Understanding the names of God is very important not only for creation but for other spiritual ideas.

  9. I am amazed at the order in which God created the universe. What is the first thing we see when we open our eyes, either in the morning or at night- light and dark. What type of world do we live in? We can either live in the light or in the dark. From the first verse of Genesis God is demonstrating how the universe will be divided.

  10. Yes, God did create man to watch over the creatures he had created and to tend the Garden of Eden. The doctrine of the Image of God, Genesis 1:26 does say that. However, after the man and the woman had sinned in the garden they were given different tasks and sent out of that garden Genesis 3:14- 24. Man and woman were banned from the garden so they could no longer be close to the tree of life. They were created from dust and returned to it after they died.

    Man and woman lived in the world in their own strength much of the time. Over time God made provisions for people to come back to him but nothing worked until the advent of Christ and his atoning death on the cross. Between leaving the garden and the coming of Jesus mankind is the big culprit, “In the face of a world out of control.”

    Saying we need God is all right but more specifically we need Jesus Christ. The demons know God and shudder because they know God is Jesus Christ as well as the Father and the Holy Spirit.

    It is only through God in His person, the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit that we will ever be right with God to rule with Him in the Kingdom of God. I think that may be what Achou Taibo bin Kitobi was really saying when he spoke of, “being trained spiritually.

  11. Once again, Mel, you’ve started us on the right foot with this study, thank you. As I read the opening passage I was reminded that God said, “Let US….” There are a lot of theories about the ‘us’ in this passage but to me it has always been comforting. God didn’t need to consult anyone, and the Godhead 3-in-one was there from the beginning, but so was God’s army–angels! God knew what he was doing, but because of his great love, he included his heavenly court to share in his majestic creation of earth and then humanity. What can be said about a God whose Kingdom is filled with love, and all those in it are important–I say YES! This IS the kingdom I belong to, this is the God in whose image I and all people are made and for this reason I want to live my life so others can know this life-giving and life-saving grace!

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