For a limited time the devotionals Christmas Joy: A Devotional and Christmas Joy for Kids are available at half price on Amazon. If you are a group leader, a teacher, a pastor, or other leader, this is a good way to preview these devotionals if you wish to consider them for this year. (These devotionals have readings for the 25 days in December leading up to Christmas, so readings begin December 1.)

What Readers Are Saying…
“What a great devotional! This could be used at any time during the year, but these Scriptures at Advent make it come alive. Even more importantly, it addresses ‘What does this mean to you?'”
“It was wonderful to have a new Christmas devotional every morning. My morning Bible time was enhanced with these readings.”
“Simply amazing collection of thoughts to make the true meaning of Christmas very plain. This devotional will help put us in the right frame of mind to celebrate Jesus’ birthday with all the awe and blessings it represents.”
“In today’s fast-paced society it is refreshing to have a devotional that is focused on the true meaning of Christmas. I plan to read this when I feel spiritually unbalanced throughout the year. Of course, it will now before my ‘go to’ Advent devotional every December!”
“Informative yet fascinating, meticulous yet simple. It is truly a joy to read this Christmas devotional as you literally become a part of the story of Jesus as it unfolds into the story of Christmas, the true reason for the season. Anyone reading this will truly be blessed!!!”