Prayers for Easter Time

“A Prayer for Easter Time”
Dear God, I believe in the Lord Jesus… who was born in Bethlehem, who grew up and became a man, who taught crowds of people, who loved his disciples, who healed the sick, who was arrested by his enemies, was called a criminal, was nailed to a cross. He died and was placed in a tomb; but on the third day, he rose. I believe I am forgiven because of Jesus. And I believe I can be strong because he is alive and is with me today. Amen.
[from A Book of Prayers for Kids: Ways to Talk to God Every Day]
go HERE for more prayers

“A Prayer for Lent, Leading Up to Easter”
Lord, in the days leading up to Easter we want to contemplate and understand more fully the suffering death of the Lord Jesus whereby we are forgiven and his glorious resurrection whereby we are empowered to live. This great mission to heal a broken world was your plan. Jesus gave up his life; it was not taken from him. In his death on the cross death itself was defeated. The power of sin was broken. The intent of the Evil One was thwarted. We need these days to meditate on this great saving act. Please focus our attention. Release us from our trivial concerns. Protect us from distractions. Embolden us in the face of dangers. Lessen our talk and increase our listening. Captivate our minds. Tame our hearts. Increase our longing to know you. For we “want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.” In Christ’s name. Amen.
[from Prayers for Our Lives: 95 Lifelines to God for Everyday Circumstances]

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